Ezeel Arrius


Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Male
Family: Synfael Ura (Twin)
Age: ???
Race: Aura
Relationship: Single
Alignment: Nuetral
Occupation: Divinations
Weapon of choice: Magic
Quirks: Always Carrying Sweets, The Need to Touch and Feel, Collecting Trinkets (Anything that makes subtle light noises), Late-Night Wanderer, Overly Generous with Compliments, Whistling or Humming, Always in Motion.Personality: Ezeel is a flirtatious and light-hearted Aura, known for his effortless charm and playfulness. Losing his vison, Ezeel navigates the world with an uncanny awareness of sound, touch, smell, and most importantly Aether. His blindness, instead of being a limitation, has become a unique facet of his charisma, allowing him to interact with people in ways that feel deeply personal and intimate. He’ll often compliment someone’s voice, the texture of their clothing, or the scent they wear, always finding ways to make a connection through his heightened senses.
Beneath his sunny disposition, however, lies a far darker persona. Ezeel’s constant flirtation and humor are a facade he’s perfected over the years, hiding deep-seated bitterness and inner turmoil. There’s a part of him that resents his blindness and the way he acquired it; he’d never let that show. Instead, he chooses to manipulate situations and people with his charm, using his perceived vulnerability to his advantage. Those who get close to Ezeel often find themselves drawn in by his warmth, only to catch fleeting glimpses of the darkness he keeps carefully hidden.
Quotes: "Stars may guide the lost, but I don’t need to see them to know where I’m going. The future whispers in ways sight could never understand."


"The stars speak in whispers that only the blind can truly hear. I see more in the darkness than others do in the light."

Growing up in the Kagon tribe, Ezeel had always felt a strong connection to his twin, Synfael. But when the Garleans invaded and took him away for their own purposes, everything changed. Forced to use his aether abilities as a weapon and subjected to cruel experiments, Ezeel's days were filled with constant struggle. Despite these hardships, he found solace in the kindness of one guard who showed him compassion and even spoke of running away together. But deep down, Ezeel knew that there was no escape from the Garleans' grasp. And just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, an experiment gone wrong robbed him of his vision, making him even more dependent on others for survival. In a twist of fate, it was Synfael who ultimately rescued him from the battlefield and offered him shelter.